The unique purpose of this document is to permit reproducing the analysis. Code should be streamlined and commented for clarity.

A. Setup

Data sources

Selected Projection for project: NAD_1983_California_Teale_Albers (WKID: 3310 Authority: EPSG)

File name Source Overview URL
california_landcover USGS Land cover (especially developed land) URL
california_dem ESRI Digital elevation model URL
california_wildfires CalFire Fire location and surfaces burnt URL
california_coastline Natural Earth Coastline URL
acs_poverty US Census Bureau Population in poverty URL
acs_characteristics US Census Bureau Population characteristics URL
acs_population US Census Bureau Population URL
area_counties US Census Bureau County polygons URL
area_censusTracts US Census Bureau Census tract polygons URL
point_pm25 EPA PM2.5 monitors URL

The pre-processed files as well as the source code to run this analysis can be downloaded at:


Loading libraries:

{library(rgdal); library(geoR); library(ggplot2); library(dplyr); library(splancs); library(summarytools); library(grid);}

B. Data loading

State boundaries

Loading California state boundaries shapefile:

shp_california <- readOGR("Projected/area_state_single.shp");
title("Data loading: Californa State boundaries")
footnote('Figure 1')

Monitors data

Loading PM2.5 monitors shapefile:

shp_monitors <- readOGR("Monitors/point_pm25_final.shp")
title("Data loading: Monitors location")
footnote('Figure 2')

Convert shapefile to dataframe and to geodata:

frm_monitors <- data.frame(
  easting=shp_monitors@data$POINT_X, # Coordinates
  northing=shp_monitors@data$POINT_Y, # Coordinates 
  pm25=shp_monitors@data$meanPM, # PM2.5 concentration
  p_elev=shp_monitors@data$ELEV, # Elevation in m
  p_coast=shp_monitors@data$DISTCOAST, # Distance form the coast in m
  p_wfire=shp_monitors@data$WILDFIRE_p, # % of the county burned due to wildfires
  lc_100=as.character(shp_monitors@data$RS_LC_100), # Landcover majoritarian category in 100mx100m areas  
  lc_1000=as.character(shp_monitors@data$RS_LC_1000), # Landcover majoritarian category in 1000mx1000m areas
  c_popden=shp_monitors@data$COU_POPDEN, # From county level: Population density
  c_poppov=shp_monitors@data$COU_POPPOV, # From county level: % of population in poverty
  c_popblack=shp_monitors@data$COU_POPBLA, # From county level: % of population black or african american
  c_pophisp=shp_monitors@data$COU_POPHIS, # From county level: % of popylation of hispanic or latino origins
  t_popden=shp_monitors@data$TRA_POPDEN, # From census tract level: Population density
  t_poppov=shp_monitors@data$TRA_POPPOV, # From census tract level: % of population in poverty 
  t_popblack=shp_monitors@data$TRA_POPBLA, # From census tract level: % of population black or african american
  t_pophisp=shp_monitors@data$TRA_POPHIS # From census tract level: % of popylation of hispanic or latino origin
geo_monitors_pm25 <- as.geodata(frm_monitors,coords.col = 1:2, covar.col=4:16)

Check for duplicate monitor locations:


Summary table:

print(dfSummary(frm_monitors, plain.ascii = FALSE, graph.magnif = 0.85), max.distinct.values = 5, max.string.width=15, method = "render")

Data Frame Summary


Dimensions: 100 x 16
Duplicates: 0
No Variable Stats / Values Freqs (% of Valid) Graph Valid Missing
1 easting [numeric] Mean (sd) : 6273.1 (191006.7) min < med < max: -354967 < -40110.9 < 424024.6 IQR (CV) : 324360.2 (30.4) 100 distinct values 100 (100%) 0 (0%)
2 northing [numeric] Mean (sd) : -179415.7 (249237.4) min < med < max: -593579.9 < -144393.2 < 415195.2 IQR (CV) : 421266.6 (-1.4) 100 distinct values 100 (100%) 0 (0%)
3 pm25 [numeric] Mean (sd) : 8.6 (2.9) min < med < max: 3 < 8.1 < 15.6 IQR (CV) : 4.1 (0.3) 100 distinct values 100 (100%) 0 (0%)
4 p_elev [numeric] Mean (sd) : 239.8 (398.5) min < med < max: -32 < 90.5 < 2063 IQR (CV) : 211.2 (1.7) 87 distinct values 100 (100%) 0 (0%)
5 p_coast [numeric] Mean (sd) : 67109.5 (64424.4) min < med < max: 1128.4 < 45195.5 < 283641.9 IQR (CV) : 98210.9 (1) 100 distinct values 100 (100%) 0 (0%)
6 p_wfire [numeric] Mean (sd) : 0.5 (1.1) min < med < max: 0 < 0.1 < 5.7 IQR (CV) : 0.4 (2.2) 38 distinct values 100 (100%) 0 (0%)
7 lc_100 [character] 1. 0 2. 1 3. 2
100 (100%) 0 (0%)
8 lc_1000 [character] 1. 0 2. 1 3. 2
100 (100%) 0 (0%)
9 c_popden [numeric] Mean (sd) : 257.3 (334.2) min < med < max: 0.7 < 95.2 < 1415.7 IQR (CV) : 387.6 (1.3) 44 distinct values 100 (100%) 0 (0%)
10 c_poppov [numeric] Mean (sd) : 16.5 (5) min < med < max: 7.7 < 16.5 < 28.3 IQR (CV) : 6.7 (0.3) 39 distinct values 100 (100%) 0 (0%)
11 c_popblack [numeric] Mean (sd) : 4.5 (3.3) min < med < max: 0.1 < 2.7 < 14.1 IQR (CV) : 5.5 (0.7) 30 distinct values 100 (100%) 0 (0%)
12 c_pophisp [numeric] Mean (sd) : 37.5 (17.2) min < med < max: 8.4 < 41.2 < 82.7 IQR (CV) : 29 (0.5) 42 distinct values 100 (100%) 0 (0%)
13 t_popden [numeric] Mean (sd) : 1778.7 (1807.6) min < med < max: 0.2 < 1344.4 < 8226.6 IQR (CV) : 2564.4 (1) 99 distinct values 100 (100%) 0 (0%)
14 t_poppov [numeric] Mean (sd) : 20 (12.3) min < med < max: 1.9 < 17.6 < 56.4 IQR (CV) : 19 (0.6) 85 distinct values 100 (100%) 0 (0%)
15 t_popblack [numeric] Mean (sd) : 5.1 (8.3) min < med < max: 0 < 1.4 < 57.6 IQR (CV) : 5.7 (1.6) 58 distinct values 100 (100%) 0 (0%)
16 t_pophisp [numeric] Mean (sd) : 41.6 (25.5) min < med < max: 5.4 < 39.6 < 94.7 IQR (CV) : 41.1 (0.6) 93 distinct values 100 (100%) 0 (0%)

Generated by summarytools 0.9.6 (R version 4.0.0)

Predictions data

Loading prediction grid shapefile:

shp_predictions <- readOGR("Point_Grid/point_grid_final.shp")
title("Data loading: Predictors location")
footnote('Figure 4')

Convert shapefile to dataframe:

frm_predictions <- data.frame(
  easting=shp_predictions@data$POINT_X, # Coordinates
  northing=shp_predictions@data$POINT_Y, # Coordinates 
  p_elev=as.numeric(as.character(shp_predictions@data$ELEV)), # Elevation in m
  p_coast=shp_predictions@data$DISTCOAST, # Distance form the coast in m
  lc_1000=as.character(shp_predictions@data$RS_LC_1000), # Landcover majoritarian category in 1000mx1000m areas
  c_popden=shp_predictions@data$COU_POPDEN, # From county level: Population density
  c_poppov=shp_predictions@data$COU_POPPOV, # From county level: % of population in poverty
  c_popblack=shp_predictions@data$COU_POPBLA, # From county level: % of population black or african american
  c_pophisp=shp_predictions@data$COU_POPHIS # From county level: % of popylation of hispanic or latino origin

Filter locations where elevation is not available:

frm_predictions_filtered <- frm_predictions[frm_predictions$p_elev != '-9999',]

Convert dataframe to geodata:

geo_predictions <- as.geodata(frm_predictions_filtered,coords.col = 1:2, covar.col=3:9)

Check for duplicate prediction locations:


Summary table on a sample of 9,999 values:

frm_predictions_sample <- frm_predictions_filtered[sample(nrow(frm_predictions_filtered), 999), ]
print(dfSummary(frm_predictions_sample, plain.ascii = FALSE, graph.magnif = 0.85), max.distinct.values = 5, max.string.width=15, method = "render")

Data Frame Summary


Dimensions: 999 x 9
Duplicates: 0
No Variable Stats / Values Freqs (% of Valid) Graph Valid Missing
1 easting [numeric] Mean (sd) : 46460.5 (220837.6) min < med < max: -360101.1 < 4898.9 < 524898.9 IQR (CV) : 357500 (4.8) 178 distinct values 999 (100%) 0 (0%)
2 northing [numeric] Mean (sd) : -92429.2 (278658.1) min < med < max: -595327 < -115327 < 444673 IQR (CV) : 452500 (-3) 210 distinct values 999 (100%) 0 (0%)
3 p_elev [numeric] Mean (sd) : 856 (775) min < med < max: -71 < 679 < 3905 IQR (CV) : 1038.5 (0.9) 770 distinct values 999 (100%) 0 (0%)
4 p_coast [numeric] Mean (sd) : 140226.4 (90193.4) min < med < max: 148.4 < 130574.7 < 359574.3 IQR (CV) : 145888.9 (0.6) 999 distinct values 999 (100%) 0 (0%)
5 lc_1000 [character] 1. 0 2. 1 3. 2
999 (100%) 0 (0%)
6 c_popden [numeric] Mean (sd) : 85.1 (174.5) min < med < max: 0.6 < 40.5 < 1415.7 IQR (CV) : 53.7 (2) 58 distinct values 999 (100%) 0 (0%)
7 c_poppov [numeric] Mean (sd) : 17.7 (5.1) min < med < max: 7.7 < 17.8 < 28.3 IQR (CV) : 7.5 (0.3) 50 distinct values 999 (100%) 0 (0%)
8 c_popblack [numeric] Mean (sd) : 3.7 (3) min < med < max: 0.1 < 2.5 < 14.1 IQR (CV) : 4.8 (0.8) 37 distinct values 999 (100%) 0 (0%)
9 c_pophisp [numeric] Mean (sd) : 35.2 (19.2) min < med < max: 7.2 < 33.1 < 82.7 IQR (CV) : 33.3 (0.5) 56 distinct values 999 (100%) 0 (0%)

Generated by summarytools 0.9.6 (R version 4.0.0)

C. Exploratory analysis

Large-scale variations

Ploting monitors values:

area_california <- shp_california@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords
colors <- c(rgb(252,146,114,maxColorValue=255),rgb(251,106,74,maxColorValue=255),rgb(222,45,38,maxColorValue=255),rgb(165,15,21,maxColorValue=255))
plot(geo_monitors_pm25, borders=area_california, lowess = TRUE,qt.col = colors)
mtext("PM2.5 Monitors", outer=TRUE,  cex=1.2, line=1)
footnote('Figure 6')

Short-scale variations

Estimate the semivariogram form the PM2.5 monitors data and then adjust a model:

# Estimate semivariogram from data <- variog(geo_monitors_pm25)
max <-$max.dist<-variog(geo_monitors_pm25,max.dist=max/2) #restricting to half the actual maximum distance

plot(,xlab="Distance (meters)",ylab="Semivariogram",pty="m", pch=16, ylim=c(0,11))
title("Semivariogram of PM2.5 Data\n(restricted < 1/2 max distance)")
footnote('Figure 7')

D. Modelling

Ordinary Kriging (OK)

Ordinary Kriging - Semivariogram adjustments (WLS & MLE)

Adjust a model to the semivariogram form the PM2.5 monitors data:

plot(,xlab="Distance (meters)",ylab="Semivariogram",pty="m", pch=16, ylim=c(0,11))
title("Semivariogram of PM2.5 Data\n(restricted < 1/2 max distance)")
footnote('Figure 8')

# Adjust semivariogram model
model<-"exponential" #"exponential" #"spherical" #"gaussian"
rangs <- c() #c(0.7e+05,0.8e+05,0.9e+05) #c(1.0e+05,1.1e+05,1.2e+05,1.3e+05,1.4e+05,1.5e+05)
sills <- c() #c(5,10,15) #c(9.0,9.5,10,10.5,11)
nugs <- c() #c(0,1,2) #c(0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1)
for (rang in rangs) { for (sill in sills) { for (nug in nugs) {
  temp <- data.frame(rang,sill,nug,$AIC,$BIC)
  df.MLE <- rbind(df.MLE, temp)

model<-"exponential" #"exponential" #"spherical" #"gaussian"
rangs <- c() #c(0.7e+05,0.8e+05,0.9e+05) #c(1.0e+05,1.1e+05,1.2e+05,1.3e+05,1.4e+05,1.5e+05)
sills <- c() #c(5,10,15) #c(9.0,9.5,10,10.5,11)
nugs <- c() #c(0,1,2) #c(0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1)
for (rang in rangs) { for (sill in sills) { for (nug in nugs) {
  temp <- data.frame(rang,sill,nug,$value)
  df.WLS <- rbind(df.WLS, temp)

model<-"exponential" #"exponential" #"spherical" #"gaussian"
rang.MLE <- 0.8e+05 #c(1.0e+05,1.1e+05,1.2e+05,1.3e+05,1.4e+05,1.5e+05)
sill.MLE <- 10 #c(9.0,9.5,10,10.5,11)
nug.MLE <- 0 #c(0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1)
rang.WLS <- 0.8e+05 #c(1.0e+05,1.1e+05,1.2e+05,1.3e+05,1.4e+05,1.5e+05)
sill.WLS <- 10 #c(9.0,9.5,10,10.5,11)
nug.WLS <- 0 #c(0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1)


legend(4.5e5,3,legend=c("MLE","WLS"),lty=2:4, col=c("blue","red"))

We tested a number of starting parameters to fit the variogram model and ended up with the value:

  • model: “exponential”
  • start values: rang: 0.8e+05 - sill: 10.0 - nug: 0.0
  • values adjusted by MLE: rang: 0.8000e+05 - sill: 8.5138 - nug: 0.3328
  • values adjusted by WLS: rang: 0.7861e+05 - sill: 9.3534 - nug: 0.0000

The MLE adjustement is more heavily affected by the values at larger distance (>500km) than the WLS adjustment.

Universal Kriging (UK)

Universal Kriging - Linear Models

Covariates selection:

Models generation:

linear_model_lc1000 <-lm(pm25~lc_1000,data=frm_monitors)
linear_model_lc100 <-lm(pm25~lc_100,data=frm_monitors)
linear_model_lvlcounty <-lm(pm25~c_popden+c_poppov+c_popblack+c_pophisp,data=frm_monitors)
linear_model_lvltract <-lm(pm25~t_popden+t_poppov+t_popblack+t_pophisp,data=frm_monitors)
linear_model_p_wfire <-lm(pm25~p_wfire,data=frm_monitors)
linear_model_p_coast <-lm(pm25~p_coast,data=frm_monitors)

Landcover resolution: 1,000m2 vs 100m2

{library(jtools); library(huxtable);}
model_names <- c("Model LC 1,000m2", "Model LC 100m2")
stats <- c(N = "nobs", R2 = "r.squared", AIC = "AIC", BIC = "BIC")
export_summs(linear_model_lc1000,linear_model_lc100, error_format = "[{conf.low}, {conf.high}]", model.names = model_names, statistics = stats)
Model LC 1,000m2 Model LC 100m2
(Intercept) 7.26 *** 7.38 ***
[5.99, 8.52]    [6.10, 8.66]   
lc_10001 1.95 *          
[0.35, 3.56]           
lc_10002 1.45            
[-0.06, 2.96]           
lc_1001         1.42    
        [-0.24, 3.08]   
lc_1002         1.56 *  
        [0.05, 3.06]   
N 100        100       
R2 0.06     0.04    
AIC 498.55     500.09    
BIC 508.97     510.51    
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05.

Administrative level for population data (density, poverty, black, hispanic): County level vs Census Tract level

{library(jtools); library(huxtable);}
model_names <- c("Model lvl County", "Model lvl CTract")
export_summs(linear_model_lvlcounty,linear_model_lvltract, error_format = "[{conf.low}, {conf.high}]", model.names = model_names, statistics = stats)
Model lvl County Model lvl CTract
(Intercept) 3.15 *** 5.85 ***
[1.32, 4.98]    [4.65, 7.04]   
c_popden 0.00            
[-0.00, 0.00]           
c_poppov 0.13 *          
[0.02, 0.25]           
c_popblack 0.16            
[-0.01, 0.33]           
c_pophisp 0.06 ***        
[0.03, 0.10]           
t_popden         -0.00    
        [-0.00, 0.00]   
t_poppov         0.04    
        [-0.01, 0.08]   
t_popblack         0.06    
        [-0.01, 0.14]   
t_pophisp         0.04 ***
        [0.02, 0.07]   
N 100        100       
R2 0.36     0.24    
AIC 463.99     481.38    
BIC 479.62     497.01    
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05.

Wildfire and Coast Distance covariates

{library(jtools); library(huxtable);}
model_names <- c("Wildfire", "Coast Distance")
export_summs(linear_model_p_wfire,linear_model_p_coast, error_format = "[{conf.low}, {conf.high}]", model.names = model_names, statistics = stats)
Wildfire Coast Distance
(Intercept) 8.77 *** 8.03 ***
[8.14, 9.40]    [7.20, 8.85]   
p_wfire -0.38            
[-0.92, 0.16]           
p_coast         0.00    
        [-0.00, 0.00]   
N 100        100       
R2 0.02     0.03    
AIC 500.59     499.13    
BIC 508.40     506.95    
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05.

Main models selection:

Models generation:

linear_model_1 <-lm(pm25~p_elev+p_coast+p_wfire+lc_1000+c_popden+c_poppov+c_popblack+c_pophisp,data=frm_monitors)
linear_model_2 <-lm(pm25~p_elev+p_coast+lc_1000+c_popden+c_poppov,data=frm_monitors)
linear_model_3 <-lm(pm25~p_elev+p_coast+lc_1000+c_popblack+c_pophisp,data=frm_monitors)

Visualization of coefficients and confidence intervals:

{library(jtools); library(huxtable);}
model_names <- c("Model 1 (All)", "Model 2 (Pop Poverty)", "Model 3 (Pop Characteristics)")
export_summs(linear_model_1,linear_model_2,linear_model_3, error_format = "[{conf.low}, {conf.high}]", model.names = model_names, statistics = stats)
Model 1 (All) Model 2 (Pop Poverty) Model 3 (Pop Characteristics)
(Intercept) 3.11 **  3.42 **  3.61 ***
[1.11, 5.12]    [1.24, 5.60]    [2.07, 5.15]   
p_elev -0.00 *   -0.00 *   -0.00 ** 
[-0.00, -0.00]    [-0.00, -0.00]    [-0.00, -0.00]   
p_coast 0.00 **  0.00 *   0.00 ***
[0.00, 0.00]    [0.00, 0.00]    [0.00, 0.00]   
p_wfire -0.27                    
[-0.75, 0.20]                   
lc_10001 1.44 *   1.80 *   1.64 *  
[0.14, 2.74]    [0.39, 3.22]    [0.37, 2.91]   
lc_10002 0.49     0.73     0.59    
[-0.81, 1.80]    [-0.71, 2.16]    [-0.68, 1.86]   
c_popden 0.00     0.00 *          
[-0.00, 0.00]    [0.00, 0.00]           
c_poppov 0.05     0.20 ***        
[-0.07, 0.17]    [0.09, 0.32]           
c_popblack 0.19 *           0.25 ** 
[0.02, 0.36]            [0.10, 0.40]   
c_pophisp 0.06 ***         0.06 ***
[0.03, 0.10]            [0.04, 0.09]   
N 100        100        100       
R2 0.47     0.32     0.45    
AIC 455.46     474.20     452.53    
BIC 484.12     495.04     473.37    
*** p < 0.001; ** p < 0.01; * p < 0.05.
model_names <- c("Model 1", "Model 2", "Model 3")
plot_coefs(linear_model_1,linear_model_2,linear_model_3, model.names = model_names, inner_ci_level = .9)
#, coefs = c("Elevation"="elevation", "Landcover"="landcover", "Density"="density", "Poverty"="poverty", "Black Pop"="popblack", "Dist to Coast"="coast")
grid.text(label= 'Non-scaled' , x = unit(0.5,"npc"), y= unit(1, "npc"), just=c("center", "top"), gp=gpar(cex= 1.2, col='black'))
plot_summs(linear_model_1,linear_model_2,linear_model_3,model.names = model_names, scale = TRUE, inner_ci_level = .9)
grid.text(label= 'Scaled' , x = unit(0.5,"npc"), y= unit(1, "npc"), just=c("center", "top"), gp=gpar(cex= 1.2, col='black'))

Additional elements of model evaluation (more information):


Universal Kriging - Residuals

#Store and convert residuals to geodata:
# Estimate semivariograms from data <- variog(geo_monitors_resid_2)
max_2 <-$max.dist<-variog(geo_monitors_resid_2,max.dist=max_2/2) #restricting to half the actual maximum distance <- variog(geo_monitors_resid_3)
max_3 <-$max.dist<-variog(geo_monitors_resid_3,max.dist=max_3/2) #restricting to half the actual maximum distance
# Plot semivariogram of residuals
plot(,xlab="Distance (meters)",ylab="Semivariogram",pty="m", pch=4, ylim=c(0,11), col = 'blue')
points($u,$v, pch=1, ylim=c(0,11), col = 'red')
# Original semivariogram for reference
points($u,$v,xlab="Distance (meters)",ylab="Semivariogram",pty="m", pch=16, ylim=c(0,11), col = 'black')
title("Residual semivariograms for PM2.5 Models 2 & 3\n(restricted < 1/2 max distance)")
footnote('Figure 16')
legend(3.85e5,3,legend=c("PM2.5 data","Model2 residuals","Model3 residuals"), pch=c(16,4,1), col=c("black","blue","red"))

Universal Kriging - Semivariogram adjustments (WLS & MLE)

WLS - Estimate the semivariogram form the PM2.5 monitors results and then adjust a model:

plot(,xlab="Distance (meters)",ylab="Semivariogram",pty="m", pch=4, ylim=c(0,11), col = 'blue')
title("Residual semivariograms for PM2.5 Models 2 & 3 - WLS\n(restricted < 1/2 max distance)")
footnote('Figure 17')

# Adjust semivariogram models
rang <-6e+04; sill<- 5; nug  <-4; psill<-sill-nug
model<-"exponential" #"exponential" #"spherical" #"gaussian"<-variofit(,,rang),cov.model=model,nugget=nug,weights="cressie")
lines(, col = 'blue', lty = 2)

rang <-6e+04; sill<- 5; nug  <-4; psill<-sill-nug
model<-"exponential" #"exponential" #"spherical" #"gaussian"<-variofit(,,rang),cov.model=model,nugget=nug)

points($u,$v, pch=1, ylim=c(0,11), col = 'red')
lines(, col = 'red', lty = 4)

# Original semivariogram for reference
points($u,$v,xlab="Distance (meters)",ylab="Semivariogram",pty="m", pch=16, ylim=c(0,11), col = 'black')
lines(, col = 'black')

legend(3.85e5,3,legend=c("PM2.5 data","Model2 residuals","Model3 residuals"),lty="1":"2":"4", col=c("black","blue","red"))
## Warning in "1":"2":"4": numerical expression has 2 elements: only the first used

MLE adjustments:

rang <-6e+04; sill<- 5; nug  <-4; psill<-sill-nug
model<-"exponential" #"exponential" #"spherical" #"gaussian"<-likfit(geo_monitors_pm25,,rang),nugget=nug,trend=trend.spatial(~p_elev+p_coast+lc_1000+c_popden+c_poppov,geo_monitors_pm25))<-likfit(geo_monitors_pm25,,rang),nugget=nug,trend=trend.spatial(~p_elev+p_coast+lc_1000+c_popblack+c_pophisp,geo_monitors_pm25))

plot($u,$v,xlab="Distance (meters)",ylab="Semivariogram",pty="m", pch=16, ylim=c(0,11), col = 'black')
footnote('Figure 18')
points($u,$v, pch=4, ylim=c(0,11), col = 'blue')
lines(, col = 'blue', lty=2)
points($u,$v, pch=1, ylim=c(0,11), col = 'red')
lines(, col = 'red', lty=4)
lines(, col = 'black')

title("Residual semivariograms for PM2.5 Models 2 & 3 - MLE\n(restricted < 1/2 max distance)")
legend(3.85e5,3,legend=c("PM2.5 data","Model2 residuals","Model3 residuals"),lty="1":"2":"4", col=c("black","blue","red"))

Models performance comparison

# Output all the RMSE values and compare them 
RMSE <- data.frame(c("OK.WLS", "OK.MLE", "UK.Model2.WLS", "UK.Model2.MLE", "UK.Model3.WLS", "UK.Model3.MLE"), 
                   c(CV.ok.wls, CV.ok.mle,,,,
names(RMSE) <- c("Model", "RMSE")
Model RMSE
OK.WLS 1.77
OK.MLE 1.76
UK.Model2.WLS 1.8 
UK.Model2.MLE 1.75
UK.Model3.WLS 1.78
UK.Model3.MLE 1.72
gls2<-cbind(Estimate=round($beta, digits=3), SE = round(sqrt(diag($beta.var)), digits=3), CI= 
             paste("[",round($beta-1.96*sqrt(diag($beta.var)), digits=3),";",round($beta+1.96*sqrt(diag($beta.var)), digits=3),"]"))
##           Estimate SE      CI                   
## Intercept "5.636"  "1.291" "[ 3.104 ; 8.167 ]"  
## p_elev    "-0.002" "0.001" "[ -0.004 ; -0.001 ]"
## p_coast   "0"      "0"     "[ 0 ; 0 ]"          
## lc_1000_1 "0.757"  "0.475" "[ -0.175 ; 1.688 ]" 
## lc_1000_2 "0.395"  "0.502" "[ -0.59 ; 1.38 ]"   
## c_popden  "-0.001" "0.001" "[ -0.002 ; 0.001 ]" 
## c_poppov  "0.104"  "0.059" "[ -0.012 ; 0.22 ]"
gls3<-cbind(Estimate=round($beta, digits=3), SE = round(sqrt(diag($beta.var)), digits=3), CI= 
             paste("[",round($beta-1.96*sqrt(diag($beta.var)), digits=3),";",round($beta+1.96*sqrt(diag($beta.var)), digits=3),"]"))
##            Estimate SE      CI                   
## Intercept  "5.095"  "1.065" "[ 3.008 ; 7.183 ]"  
## p_elev     "-0.002" "0.001" "[ -0.004 ; -0.001 ]"
## p_coast    "0"      "0"     "[ 0 ; 0 ]"          
## lc_1000_1  "0.682"  "0.465" "[ -0.228 ; 1.593 ]" 
## lc_1000_2  "0.257"  "0.486" "[ -0.696 ; 1.21 ]"  
## c_popblack "0.092"  "0.073" "[ -0.051 ; 0.236 ]" 
## c_pophisp  "0.051"  "0.02"  "[ 0.012 ; 0.089 ]"

PM(2.5) Predictions


Find out the maximum and minium extents of our data to create a grid of locations to predict at

x_min <- min(area_california[,1])
x_max <- max(area_california[,1])
y_min <- min(area_california[,2])
y_max <- max(area_california[,2])


Plot to make sure that the layers all overlay nicely:

points(frm_predictions_grid, col="blue", pch='.')
points(shp_monitors, col = 'red', pch=1)
title("Layers check 1")
footnote('Figure 20')

points(frm_predictions_filtered, col="blue", pch='.')
points(shp_monitors, col = 'red', pch=1)
title("Layers check 2")
footnote('Figure 21')

Ordniary Kriging perdictions

Predict values for WLS-adjusted model:


Predict values for MLE-adjusted models:


Universal Kriging predictions

Grid for prediction:

n_min <- min(frm_predictions_filtered$northing)
e_min <- min(frm_predictions_filtered$easting)
temp <- frm_predictions_filtered %>% filter((((northing - n_min + 5000)/10000)%%1==0 ))
frm_predictions_reduced <- temp %>% filter(((easting - e_min + 5000)/10000)%%1==0 |((easting - 4898.9343)/10000)%%1==0)
grid <- data.frame(frm_predictions_reduced$easting,frm_predictions_reduced$northing)
names(grid) <- c("easting","northing")

Predict values for WLS-adjusted models:

predictions.UK.M2.WLS<-krige.conv(geo_monitors_pm25,locations=grid, krige=krige.control(, trend.d=trend.spatial(~p_elev+p_coast+lc_1000+c_popden+c_poppov,geo_monitors_pm25), trend.l=trend.spatial(~p_elev+p_coast+lc_1000+c_popden+c_poppov,geo_monitors_pm25)))
predictions.UK.M3.WLS<-krige.conv(geo_monitors_pm25,locations=grid, krige=krige.control(, trend.d=trend.spatial(~p_elev+p_coast+lc_1000+c_popblack+c_pophisp,geo_monitors_pm25), trend.l=trend.spatial(~p_elev+p_coast+lc_1000+c_popblack+c_pophisp,geo_monitors_pm25)))

Predict values for MLE-adjusted models:

krige.M2 <- krige.control(, 
                      trend.d = trend.spatial(~p_elev+p_coast+lc_1000+c_popden+c_poppov, geo_monitors_pm25), 
                      trend.l = trend.spatial(~p_elev+p_coast+lc_1000+c_popden+c_poppov, frm_predictions_reduced)
krige.M3 <- krige.control(, 
                      trend.d = trend.spatial(~p_elev+p_coast+lc_1000+c_popblack+c_pophisp, geo_monitors_pm25), 
                      trend.l = trend.spatial(~p_elev+p_coast+lc_1000+c_popblack+c_pophisp, frm_predictions_reduced)

predictions.UK.M2.MLE<-krige.conv(geo_monitors_pm25,locations=grid, krige=krige.M2)
## krige.conv: model with covariates matrix provided by the user
## krige.conv: Kriging performed using global neighbourhood
predictions.UK.M3.MLE<-krige.conv(geo_monitors_pm25,locations=grid, krige=krige.M3)
## krige.conv: model with covariates matrix provided by the user
## krige.conv: Kriging performed using global neighbourhood

WLS-adjusted models visualizations

Visualize the Universal Kriging and compare with Ordinary Kriging - WLS adjustments

# OK - WLS - Predictions
ggplot(frm_predictions_grid, aes(x=easting, y=northing)) +  # signify that you are predicting for the entire grid
  geom_tile(aes(fill=predictions.OK.WLS$predict)) +   # fill the grid with the predictions.OK$predict values
  coord_equal() + # indicate that the X and Y coordinates you are plotting are on the same scale
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high="red", limits=c(3,16)) + # set the color scale to range from red to yellow
  geom_point(data = shp_monitors@data, aes(x = POINT_X, y = POINT_Y), pch=1) + # add the PM2.5 Monitor locations to the plot
  geom_polygon(data = fortify(shp_california), aes(x = shp_california@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords[,1], y = shp_california@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords[,2], group = group), fill = NA, colour = 'black') + # add the states
  ggtitle('Ordinary Kriged Predictions - WLS') + labs(fill = "PM2.5\n(μg/m3)") + # add a title
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
footnote('Figure 20')
# OK - WLS - Erros
ggplot(frm_predictions_grid, aes(x=easting, y=northing)) +  # signify that you are predicting for the entire grid
  geom_tile(aes(fill=sqrt(predictions.OK.WLS$krige.var))) +   # fill the grid with the krige.ok$krige.var values
  coord_equal() + # indicate that the X and Y coordinates you are plotting are on the same scale
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high="orange", limits=c(0,3.5)) + # set the color scale to range from red to yellow
  geom_point(data = shp_monitors@data, aes(x = POINT_X, y = POINT_Y), pch=1) + # add the PM2.5 Monitor locations to the plot
  geom_polygon(data = fortify(shp_california), aes(x = shp_california@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords[,1], y = shp_california@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords[,2], group = group), fill = NA, colour = 'black') + # add the states
  ggtitle('Ordinary Kriged Standard Errors - WLS') + # add a title
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) + labs(fill = "SE")
footnote('Figure 21')

# UK - Model2 - WLS - Predictions
ggplot(grid, aes(x=easting, y=northing)) +  # signify that you are predicting for the entire grid
  geom_tile(aes(fill=predictions.UK.M2.WLS$predict)) +   # fill the grid with the predictions.UK.M2$predict values
  coord_equal() + # indicate that the X and Y coordinates you are plotting are on the same scale
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high="red", limits=c(3,16)) + # set the color scale to range from red to yellow
  geom_point(data = shp_monitors@data, aes(x = POINT_X, y = POINT_Y), pch=1) + # add the PM2.5 Monitor locations to the plot
  geom_polygon(data = fortify(shp_california), aes(x = shp_california@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords[,1], y = shp_california@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords[,2], group = group), fill = NA, colour = 'black') + # add the states
  ggtitle('Universally Kriged Predictions - Model 2 - WLS') + # add a title
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) + labs(fill = "PM2.5\n(μg/m3)") # centres the title
footnote('Figure 22')
# UK - Model2 - WLS - Erros
ggplot(grid, aes(x=easting, y=northing)) +  # signify that you are predicting for the entire grid
  geom_tile(aes(fill=sqrt(predictions.UK.M2.WLS$krige.var))) +   # fill the grid with the krige.ok$krige.var values
  coord_equal() + # indicate that the X and Y coordinates you are plotting are on the same scale
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high="orange", limits=c(0,3.5)) + # set the color scale to range from red to yellow
  geom_point(data = shp_monitors@data, aes(x = POINT_X, y = POINT_Y), pch=1) + # add the PM2.5 Monitor locations to the plot
  geom_polygon(data = fortify(shp_california), aes(x = shp_california@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords[,1], y = shp_california@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords[,2], group = group), fill = NA, colour = 'black') + # add the states
  ggtitle('Universally Kriged Standard Errors - Model 2 - WLS') + # add a title
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) + labs(fill = "SE") # centres the title
footnote('Figure 23')

# UK - Model3 - WLS - Predictions
ggplot(grid, aes(x=easting, y=northing)) +  # signify that you are predicting for the entire grid
  geom_tile(aes(fill=predictions.UK.M3.WLS$predict)) +   # fill the grid with the predictions.UK.M3$predict values
  coord_equal() + # indicate that the X and Y coordinates you are plotting are on the same scale
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high="red", limits=c(3,16)) + # set the color scale to range from red to yellow
  geom_point(data = shp_monitors@data, aes(x = POINT_X, y = POINT_Y), pch=1) + # add the PM2.5 Monitor locations to the plot
  geom_polygon(data = fortify(shp_california), aes(x = shp_california@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords[,1], y = shp_california@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords[,2], group = group), fill = NA, colour = 'black') + # add the states
  ggtitle('Universally Kriged Predictions - Model 3 - WLS') + # add a title
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) + labs(fill = "PM2.5\n(μg/m3)") # centres the title
footnote('Figure 24')
# UK - Model3 - WLS - Erros
ggplot(grid, aes(x=easting, y=northing)) +  # signify that you are predicting for the entire grid
  geom_tile(aes(fill=sqrt(predictions.UK.M3.WLS$krige.var))) +   # fill the grid with the krige.ok$krige.var values
  coord_equal() + # indicate that the X and Y coordinates you are plotting are on the same scale
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high="orange", limits=c(0,3.5)) + # set the color scale to range from red to yellow
  geom_point(data = shp_monitors@data, aes(x = POINT_X, y = POINT_Y), pch=1) + # add the PM2.5 Monitor locations to the plot
  geom_polygon(data = fortify(shp_california), aes(x = shp_california@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords[,1], y = shp_california@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords[,2], group = group), fill = NA, colour = 'black') + # add the states
  ggtitle('Universally Kriged Standard Errors - Model 3 - WLS') + # add a title
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) + labs(fill = "SE") # centres the title
footnote('Figure 25')

MLE-adjusted models visualizations

Visualize the Universal Kriging and compare with Ordinary Kriging - MLE adjustments

# OK - MLE - Predictions
ggplot(frm_predictions_grid, aes(x=easting, y=northing)) +  # signify that you are predicting for the entire grid
  geom_tile(aes(fill=predictions.OK.MLE$predict)) +   # fill the grid with the predictions.OK$predict values
  coord_equal() + # indicate that the X and Y coordinates you are plotting are on the same scale
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high="red", limits=c(1,18)) + # set the color scale to range from red to yellow
  geom_point(data = shp_monitors@data, aes(x = POINT_X, y = POINT_Y), pch=1) + # add the PM2.5 Monitor locations to the plot
  geom_polygon(data = fortify(shp_california), aes(x = shp_california@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords[,1], y = shp_california@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords[,2], group = group), fill = NA, colour = 'black') + # add the states
  ggtitle('Ordinary Kriged Predictions - MLE') + # add a title
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) + labs(fill = "PM2.5\n(μg/m3)")
footnote('Figure 26')
# OK - MLE - Erros
ggplot(frm_predictions_grid, aes(x=easting, y=northing)) +  # signify that you are predicting for the entire grid
  geom_tile(aes(fill=sqrt(predictions.OK.MLE$krige.var))) +   # fill the grid with the krige.ok$krige.var values
  coord_equal() + # indicate that the X and Y coordinates you are plotting are on the same scale
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high="orange", limits=c(0,3.5)) + # set the color scale to range from red to yellow
  geom_point(data = shp_monitors@data, aes(x = POINT_X, y = POINT_Y), pch=1) + # add the PM2.5 Monitor locations to the plot
  geom_polygon(data = fortify(shp_california), aes(x = shp_california@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords[,1], y = shp_california@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords[,2], group = group), fill = NA, colour = 'black') + # add the states
  ggtitle('Ordinary Kriged Standard Errors - MLE') + # add a title
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) + labs(fill = "SE")
footnote('Figure 27')

# UK - Model2 - MLE - Predictions
ggplot(grid, aes(x=easting, y=northing)) +  # signify that you are predicting for the entire grid
  geom_tile(aes(fill=predictions.UK.M2.MLE$predict)) +   # fill the grid with the predictions.UK.M2$predict values
  coord_equal() + # indicate that the X and Y coordinates you are plotting are on the same scale
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high="red", limits=c(1,18)) + # set the color scale to range from red to yellow
  geom_point(data = shp_monitors@data, aes(x = POINT_X, y = POINT_Y), pch=1) + # add the PM2.5 Monitor locations to the plot
  geom_polygon(data = fortify(shp_california), aes(x = shp_california@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords[,1], y = shp_california@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords[,2], group = group), fill = NA, colour = 'black') + # add the states
  ggtitle('Universally Kriged Predictions - Model 2 - MLE') + # add a title
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))  + labs(fill = "PM2.5\n(μg/m3)") # centres the title
footnote('Figure 28')
# UK - Model2 - MLE - Erros
ggplot(grid, aes(x=easting, y=northing)) +  # signify that you are predicting for the entire grid
  geom_tile(aes(fill=sqrt(predictions.UK.M2.MLE$krige.var))) +   # fill the grid with the krige.ok$krige.var values
  coord_equal() + # indicate that the X and Y coordinates you are plotting are on the same scale
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high="orange", limits=c(0,3.5)) + # set the color scale to range from red to yellow
  geom_point(data = shp_monitors@data, aes(x = POINT_X, y = POINT_Y), pch=1) + # add the PM2.5 Monitor locations to the plot
  geom_polygon(data = fortify(shp_california), aes(x = shp_california@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords[,1], y = shp_california@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords[,2], group = group), fill = NA, colour = 'black') + # add the states
  ggtitle('Universally Kriged Standard Errors - Model 2 - MLE') + # add a title
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))  + labs(fill = "SE") # centres the title
footnote('Figure 29')

# UK - Model3 - MLE - Predictions
ggplot(grid, aes(x=easting, y=northing)) +  # signify that you are predicting for the entire grid
  geom_tile(aes(fill=predictions.UK.M3.MLE$predict)) +   # fill the grid with the predictions.UK.M3$predict values
  coord_equal() + # indicate that the X and Y coordinates you are plotting are on the same scale
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high="red", limits=c(1,18)) + # set the color scale to range from red to yellow
  geom_point(data = shp_monitors@data, aes(x = POINT_X, y = POINT_Y), pch=1) + # add the PM2.5 Monitor locations to the plot
  geom_polygon(data = fortify(shp_california), aes(x = shp_california@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords[,1], y = shp_california@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords[,2], group = group), fill = NA, colour = 'black') + # add the states
  ggtitle('Universally Kriged Predictions - Model 3 - MLE') + # add a title
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))  + labs(fill = "PM2.5\n(μg/m3)") # centres the title
footnote('Figure 30')
# UK - Model3 - MLE - Erros
ggplot(grid, aes(x=easting, y=northing)) +  # signify that you are predicting for the entire grid
  geom_tile(aes(fill=sqrt(predictions.UK.M3.MLE$krige.var))) +   # fill the grid with the krige.ok$krige.var values
  coord_equal() + # indicate that the X and Y coordinates you are plotting are on the same scale
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high="orange", limits=c(0,3.5)) + # set the color scale to range from red to yellow
  geom_point(data = shp_monitors@data, aes(x = POINT_X, y = POINT_Y), pch=1) + # add the PM2.5 Monitor locations to the plot
  geom_polygon(data = fortify(shp_california), aes(x = shp_california@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords[,1], y = shp_california@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords[,2], group = group), fill = NA, colour = 'black') + # add the states
  ggtitle('Universally Kriged Standard Errors - Model 3 - MLE') + # add a title
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))  + labs(fill = "SE") # centres the title
footnote('Figure 31')
output<- cbind(grid, predictions.UK.M2.MLE$predict, sqrt(predictions.UK.M2.MLE$krige.var))
write.csv(output, 'output.csv')

Export results

output<- cbind(frm_predictions_grid, predictions.OK.MLE$predict, sqrt(predictions.OK.MLE$krige.var))
write.csv(output, 'output_OK.csv')
output<- cbind(grid, predictions.UK.M2.MLE$predict, sqrt(predictions.UK.M2.MLE$krige.var))
write.csv(output, 'output_UK_M2.csv')
output<- cbind(grid, predictions.UK.M3.MLE$predict, sqrt(predictions.UK.M3.MLE$krige.var))
write.csv(output, 'output_UK_M3.csv')