Bruno Raimbault - Information Systems Engineer & Data Scientist

Email: - Github: braimbault

Current work is not included here. For more details, please consult my LinkedIn profile.

PSI - Connecting with Sara

PSI - Connecting with Sara Platform

[September 2020] The CwS platform aims to embrace the continuum of care: i. Initiate and maintain engagement from PSI project teams to Sara through her mobile phone. ii. Enable Sara to initiate engagement at her convenience through her mobile phone. Read the brief. @PSI

JHU - Air Pollution Modelling

[May 2020] Characterizing the spatial distribution of annual PM2.5 across California. Exploration of multiple predictors and comparison of multiple Universal Kriging models performance. Built with R. @JHU

PSI - New Start App

PSI - New Start App

[September 2017] Application to collect patient data during HIV testing campaings and enable follow-up on linkage to care. Connects to dhis2. @PSI

MSF - HMIS Dictionary App

MSF OCBA - HMIS Dictionary

[December 2016] A dhis2 app to simplify user access to terminology and details associated with the health indicators. Check it on the dhis2 app store. NB: HMIS refers to Health Information Management System. Built with Angular.js for dhis2. @MSF-OCBA

MSF - Dashboards

MSF Dashboards

[April 2016] Dashboards for Medical Surveillance and Outbreak Data visualisation. Live examples: Tonkolili District, Sierra Leone (Surveillance) and Lubumbashi, DRC (Outbreak). Built with dc.js, leaflet.js and others. @MSF-UK

RC - Mapfolios

[August 2015] Browse the maps and data tables produced to support the Ethiopia RCS during the Drought Emergency Assessment and the Shelter Cluster during the Floods Response in Myanmar. Maps with QGIS, mapfolio from ARC with Dropbox. @GlobalShelterCluster, @BritishRedCross

RC - Interactive Reports

[June 2015] Dashboards to publish Situational Reports (SitRep) for the Nepal RCS Response to the Earthquake and Medical Surveillance Data (DHIS) for the Ethiopia RCS during the Drought Emergency Assessment. Built with dc.js and leaflet.js. @BritishRedCross

HDX - Open Humanitarian Data

[March 2015] Simple dashboards for exploration of Open Humanitarian Data: i. WAter, Sanitation and Hygiene coverage in Health Care Facilities (WHO report) published in 2015. ii. Evolution of access to Water Supply and Sanitation by country (WSS). Built with leaflet.js and d3.js.

IRD - Irrigation Monitoring

Explore WSS data

[June 2013] Monitoring Irrigation Consumption Using High Resolution NDVI Image Time Series: Calibration and Validation in the Kairouan Plain (Tunisia). Check the article. @IRD

BRGM - Landslides Modelling


[June 2012] Quantitative approach to landslide hasard. Contributions to ALICE software. Built with VBA and SQL for MapInfo and Python for ArcGIS. @BRGM

IRD - Hydrological Analysis


[January 2011] Hydrological data management and analysis software. Contributions to Hydraccess software. Built with VBA and SQL for MS Access. @IRD

Python for GIS

Have a look at my Python scripts

Here are presented some of the scripts I wrote in Python to automate tasks in GIS software: QGIS, jOSM...